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Free action-planning template for creatives

by | May 17, 2021

Action-planning will help you to keep track of the steps you need to take, when to take them, and the resources you need.

First, list the tasks/ideas you want to develop and identify what’s needed to complete them

Drawing on your brainstorm document, think about how you can work more efficiently. Have you listed a task that isn’t necessary to complete your goal? Is there something that you can delegate? Do you need more resources?

There’s a simple template below to help you with the process.

Perhaps you use SMART goals already in relation to your project planning at work. Actions must  must be:

Specific – the goal must be well defined and clear.

Measurable – how will you know you’ve attained the goal? Be precise about the measures.

Attainable – the goal needs to be realistic yet challenging enough to motivate you.

Relevant – how does the goal fit in with your long-term wider personal and professional development goals? How is it going to improve your outlook?

Time Bound – set a deadline. Even if you break the task down into manageable bite-size chunks you need to have an end point. Prioritise the tasks. Celebrate your milestones and check in regularly against the timeframe. I have separate coloured diary strands for each project I’m working on so I can see at a glance what I need to do to stay on track.

Use SCHEMES to double check your action planning. 

SCHEMES is an acronym that allows you to verify that you have everything you need to complete a plan. It stands for Space, Cash, Helpers, Equipment, Materials, Expertise, Systems.

What resources do you need to help you meet your goal?

For example, if a lack of time is a stumbling block, you could buy an egg timer and set yourself just 20 minutes a day of time to begin working on your objectives, that would be 100 minutes in a working week, or nearly 7 hours a month.

  1. Is there someone who can help you?
  2. Would you benefit from a mentor or coach?
  3. Could you set up a reciprocal arrangement with a colleague or find someone outside of work who could support you?

Check out our free action-planning template here Now Go Create Action planning template.

And if you want more, see our new e-learning modules to make idea generation and problem-solving a breeze!

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