Lost your creative mojo? Find it on a creative safari.
Going after creativity 'with a club' + serendipity = a creative safariIn 1754 Horace Walpole wrote a fairy tale, The Three Princes of Serendip, a...
Grammy dreams and grit, behind the songs with Dyo
This episode was an absolute treat as I had an incredible conversation with the one and only Dyo - singer, songwriter, and creative behind some of...
Why brainstorms fail and how to fix them
Would you rather go to the dentist or go to a team brainstorm? When I play this game in workshops the dentist often wins. For the past 30 years I’ve...
“Improv is the art of acting without a script.”
I had the pleasure of exploring the world of creativity with the incredibly talented Max Dickins. Max, an improv performer, scriptwriter and author,...
Unlock your creative potential with our public courses
You might know that creative thinking is still at the forefront of sought after workplace skills according to the WEF. And generating ideas is...
Unlock your creative potential: new podcast for the future of work
In today's rapidly evolving job market, creativity is not a nice to have - it's a necessity. Launching on 29th January 2025, the Now Go...
Level up your skills: Creativity & Strategy Training in 2025
Kick start your year with a boost to your strategic and creative thinking. Now Go Create is bringing back two of our most popular courses — How...
Black Friday: a marketing bun fight
I'm grateful for all the Black Friday email spam as it's given me a reason to unsubscribe from at least 30 mailing lists. Love it or or hate it, the...
Boost Your Creativity: My 8 go-to AI prompts!
I’ve spent hours testing and playing with AI tools to find out what helps and hinders the ideation process and I’m sure you’ve been doing the same!...
E.l.f. Beauty’s “So Many Dicks” Campaign: A beautiful jab at boardroom inequality
At the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity this year I saw E.l.f Beauty CMO Kory Marchisotto talk about how the E.l.f. business leadership is...
Great creative leadership starts with self-awareness
Did you know that everyone has personal preferences in relation to creativity, just like we do with everything else?🦉 So you might be an early bird...
What I Learned from Spending 3 Months with Creative Legends 🦁
Imagine speaking to some of the most Lion-awarded creative directors, chief marketing officers, agency leaders, copywriters and just all-round...
PR & AI: Embracing the future, but knowledge and readiness issues abound
Our most recent Creativity in PR study co-authored with Provoke Media shows that the PR industry is clearly embracing artificial intelligence (AI)...
Death and resurrection: the creative process deconstructed
Cannes Lions 2024 was a whirlwind of inspiration as always, but one talk resonated deeply with me this year: Deepak Chopra's exploration of AI and...
Bonjour, Créatifs!
It's that time again, when the entire advertising and marketing community head to the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. I’ll be in...
The Marshmallow Challenge: Why budding creatives should play with their food.
Last week, myself and co-facilitator Anahita, gave a group of 40 seasoned PR professionals a seemingly simple challenge: build the tallest...
Think like a Nobel prize winner with the Feynman Technique
Sometimes trying to get to a solution can be like wading through treacle. Or trying to untangle one problem from another. If you find yourself...
Can your brief survive the Twitter test? Find out now!
Most project or marketing briefs are anything but. The creative mind thrives on both inspiration and constraint. While we may balk at limitations,...
Want to be more creative? Blue sky thinking allowed!
This exercise is a simple and fun one – and a great reason to get outside and get some vitamin D. Hopefully your neck of the woods today has a sky...
The Zen of One Word: Unlock Creativity with Simplicity
Ever feel like the problem you’re tackling is a big old, tangled ball of yarn, impossible to unravel? I’ve worked with and interviewed 100’s of...
Seeing is believing. Vision board your goals to life.
A vision board is a powerful tool for visualising your goals and attracting them into your life. It's like a roadmap for your dreams, filled with...
Powerful coaching questions to get you from stuck to unstuck fast
Stuck in a rut? Facing a creative challenge that seems insurmountable? Don't despair! Here are 11 of my favourite coaching questions that can help...
How to supercharge your creativity in 2025 with a vision board
Vision boarding has been unfairly maligned. It can get lumped in with the ‘law’ of attraction as an exercise in idle fantasy, a way for the warm...
Goal-Getter or Goal-Forgetter? How to set your 2024 Creative Goals
Here's a slightly awkward confession: my New Year's resolutions for 2023 if was going to make then would bear a striking resemblance to those of...
Don’t wait til the idea is dead – make better decisions with a project pre mortem
I came across a great idea to address bias in decision making by a psychologist called Gary Klein. We're all...
Groupthink: The Silent Killer of Innovation
I read an article recently about the shocking theft over a long period of time of artefacts from the British Museum. The world-famous museum which...
Why ‘Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing’ is your secret weapon to better brainstorms
We need to collaborate better. We need more ideas. Our brainstorms are a bit rubbish. Any of this sound familiar? When we run our creative thinking...
Make your ideas stick. Lessons from Velcro: The Hook and Loop That Changed the World
Out for a walk with the dogs today and we lost them in the undergrowth for a while, as is par for the course. When they eventually popped out, they...
A smorgasbord of bite size learning
Hey there. Say hello to our bite-size e-learning and webinars – your secret weapons for personal growth without the overwhelm! Join one of our...
Campaigns we love: Heinz Ketchup Tattoo anyone?
It's a sign of real brand love when consumers start interacting with your brand in ways you hadn't anticipated, and an extreme act of love when your...
Creativity for good – how a new alphabet preserved a culture
Continuing in our review of some of the 34 Grand Prix Winners from this year's Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity 2023 – this time it's the...
Making creative strategy look easy
Helping people to devise an effective creative strategy is a Now Go Create speciality, so these are 2 awards we watch with a keen eye. The...
Who won big at Cannes? Deconstructing the Grand Prix winners
Cannes 2023 is in the bag, and the trend-spotters' radar is tweaking with all sorts of post-show theories about what's shaping up in medialand to be...
Know thyself: how a creative assessment helps teams
Did you know that you have preferences in relation to creativity and the way you think about problems, just...
Don’t you forget about me – the forgetting curve and why it matters
The 'forgetting curve' is a concept that was first introduced by German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus in the late 19th century. It's a fascinating...
5 Design Thinking Tools To Inspire Creative Ideas
We're big fans of the Design Thinking methodology here at Now Go Create. If you didn't already know, design thinking is a human-centered approach to...
Brick by brick – how to use the Lego innovation matrix
I ran a strategic innovation workshop recently for a group and I shared some of my favourite frameworks and ways to think about how to innovate. One...
How to craft a business strategy with a story
Business strategy is usually born of a highly rational process, grounded in facts and analysis. Storytelling, often associated with fiction and...
From Trendwatching to Forbes, Retail Gazette to NBC, the future-watchers have been busy with their consumer trend predictions for 2023. Here are 10...
6 Free Stellar Creative Thinking Tools You’ll Want to Swipe
When you're feeling down in the creative dumps, these proven tools will get you back on your feet in no time... What do you mean you didn't know we...
Does it make the boat go faster? (Not just a question for the Ocean Race 2023 teams)
Creative strategy often leaves people a bit overwhelmed and jargoned-out – but in the world of fast boats, it often all comes down to one thing....
Three great project retrospective exercises
I had a big birthday at the weekend, and as these things are want to do, I’ve found myself looking back on my life, the highs and lows, personal and...
How to think like Disney – channel an alter-ego for creative ideas
Do you have an alter ego? Last week went to a party as the amazing talent that was Amy Winehouse. Complete with beehive, tattoos, 50's dress and...
Want to be more creative? Take a break on International Sloth Day
So today is International Sloth Day, a celebration of these slow-moving creatures. Apparently they are also Sir David Attenborough's favourite...
Let Jason Bourne loose on your next problem!
Imagine that you could have a set of questions, that are context-free, that can be applied to ANY challenge big or small? Well...
How to judge creative ideas
One of the most common questions we are asked in our creative training and problem solving workshops is: How do you judge creative ideas? How can...
It’s ask a stupid question day!
Apparently today is designated 'ask a stupid question day'. And that made me wonder is there ever such a thing as a stupid question? Poet EE...
Blue for boys. Pink for girls. Avoid these common stereotypes.
We have so many biases 'baked in' to our thinking. Young children are constantly searching for clues about their place in the world. One of the...
How to include introverts in the creative process
Introverts and creativity might not seem like a winning mix – but excluding less demonstrative thinkers means that great ideas may never get...
Everyone’s a winner baby (except they’re not)
Ooh this is exciting - our new e-learning receives accolades This is a rather belated post 😉 Anyone who keeps up with what we're doing here at NGC...
6 things I learned about pitching ideas from Cannes Lions 2022
What do Patrick Stewart and Megan Thee Stallion have in common? 6 things I learned about pitching ideas from Cannes Lions 2022 by Claire Bridges,...
Do your ideas grow on trees?
Nature and creative thinking go hand in hand. And the best way to begin is to open the front door and step outside... “It is the marriage of the...
How about some ‘high quality ignorance’ to help your strategy?
Creative strategy is key to great work. In his TED talk, neuroscientist Stuart Firestein asks what real scientific work looks like. And it all seems...
Devise your creative strategy in 3 easy steps
Creative strategy underpins the best work – but it sometimes eludes even seasoned creatives. Now Go Create to the rescue! "Strategy is not the...
3 ways to get creative from a hammock 🏖️
Want to be more creative? With the holidays upon us, here are 3 ways to get creative without even trying! Plus summer courses and our favourite...
7 inspiring summer reads for creatives in 2023
Looking for books to get lost in and inspire you on your hols? Check out our 7 summer reads for creatives below. Sure, Mr Grisham has a shiny new...
Our favourite Cannes Lions Grand Prix Winners 2022
Did I mention yet that I was at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity this year as a host on the Debussy stage? The event was back...
Now Go Create’s Creativity in PR Study 2022 – part 1 influences & drivers
Creativity In PR 2022 – the results are in! Welcome to my summary of the report, which was conducted by Now Go Create in partnership with Provoke...
Like herding cats: the art of brainstorm facilitation
I ran a brainstorm facilitation workshop online this morning for the lovely team at Stripe Communications – with a focus on the art and science of...
Innovate your way out of a problem
Fresh back from the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, here's my first round up of the best innovation case studies and award-winners from 2022....
8 years of creativity training & brainfood
Working in creativity training has its perks – including, it turns out, being able to take your little one along to Cannes Lions... In 2014 I was...
How to brainstorm – ideas start with trust
If you want to know how to brainstorm, there's as much to know about what you shouldn't do as what you should. But there's one golden rule that...
6 creative icebreakers that won’t make you cringe
Fun creative icebreakers and activities for your next brainstorm, creativity session or meeting Creative icebreakers are just the thing for starting...
Creative PR Campaigns we love – Welcome to the Hornicultural Society
Who doesn't love a great creative PR campaign? Especially one that gets people talking about, you know, the important stuff... We love this cheeky...
What We’ve Learned From Facilitating Over 500 Creative Workshops
We made all the creative workshop facilitation mistakes so you don't have to! My team and I have now run thousands of brainstorms, workshops and...
Storytelling in the doghouse
The power of storytelling should never be underestimated... especially if it can turn a £10 dog kennel into a near-priceless item! Storytelling is...
Ask me anything – we talk to PR Week
A little self-trumpeting from the Now Go Create team? Founder Claire tells her creativity story to PR Week... As I write, I’m reflecting that I've...
Get in the zone with the raisin meditation
As part of the 64 Million Artists January Creative Challenge, I'm sharing the 'raisin meditation'. It's a quick and easy way to get focus and prime...
Spring into 2023!
A set of creative goals will steer you through the next few months – and put a spring in your step! Lewis Carroll said, “Any road will get you...
The best creativity tools to try today – #2TrendWatching’s Canvas
Looking for tools you can try when in search of your next big idea? Try TrendWatching's Consumer Trend Canvas. What is it? The Consumer Trend Canvas...
“Whatever you think, think the opposite” – creative techniques explored
Janusian Thinking is a method for coming at a creative problem from a completely new angle – and it could just be the tool you need... That quote in...
A tonic for frazzled brains: how to tackle creative burnout
I don't know about you, but I'm feeling creatively fried. If you're suffering from creative burnout, too, then read on. Burnout has recently been...
The case for commercial creativity
I've recently been re-reading James Hurman's influential 2016 book on creative effectiveness – Making The Case For Creativity. In it, Hurman...
E-learning creativity training: 7 things you need to know
How to use digital e-learning to develop your team's problem-solving and innovation skills... Did you know that after a decade of successful...
Key questions to drive innovation
What are the questions you need to ask if you want to drive innovation in your business? These 12 will get you started...The UK department of...
How do you define strategy?
Whenever we teach and talk about creativity here at Now Go Create, we love to hear how our delegates define strategy. The search for 'business...
Creativity in PR – covid special report 2021
When the Chief Economist at the Bank of England voiced his concerns about remote working and its negative impact on creativity, one of the core...
Free action-planning template for creatives
Action-planning will help you to keep track of the steps you need to take, when to take them, and the resources you need. First, list the...
Strategy tools we love: 5 Whys – root cause analysis tool
The 5 Whys technique is a deceptively simple and effective brainstorming tool for root cause analysis. Here's how to use it... Problems often arise...
Campaigns we love: Hang Your Rent
What makes a great creative campaign? How about giving cash-strapped residents income by paying them to hang ads on their clothes lines?...
Ready to bounce back? More like limp back says Now Go Create Founder Claire
Creative burnout is real, as I discussed on a recent podcast. But there's a glimmer of hope, too: 'creative triage' to the rescue! I was interviewed...
Lessons in leadership from dancing guy
Leadership in innovation can be hard won – but this hilarious 'dancing guy' clip makes it look easy! I was researching leadership in innovation for...
50 ways to tackle bias & why it matters for creativity
Bias in the workplace can wreck a future award-winning idea while it's still in its shell. But this amazing resource can help. I have been doing...
The dark side of Nike’s campaign featuring pregnant athletes
Some of Nike's corporate PR campaigns have been among the best in the world. I'm not sure this is one of them... Nike just dropped a new ad...
Newsletter sign up
Subscribe * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name Marketing PermissionsPlease select all the ways you would like to hear from :...
How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice.
Ice-breakers and brainstorm warm-ups get a bad rep. But these 9 mood-setters will get you off to a great creative start... A friend of mine (a...
Where’s the spark? Creativity during the pandemic
What has your creativity during the pandemic been like? If you're struggling, the official verdict is: you're not alone... "Creative ideation is...
Practical ways to carve out time to think
Deep work and creativity – how your best ideas will come when you give them space Working from home and adapting to tech is a moving target. Tools...
How to innovate on Zoom
Can you innovate on Zoom? Even if you're surrounded by background noise and staring at a 12-inch screen, these 4 quick tips will help... Steve Jobs'...
How the humble mince pie is a rule-breaker
Here's some rule-breaking –1600's style. I discovered this brilliant fact about the humble mince pie today and love how it demonstrates human...
Marmite and cream cheese? A winning combination
Ever heard of 'combinational creativity'? It's when unlikely things are paired up to see what ideas result. And it might just shake up your creative...
On Grit
Grit is a key element in the creative process. How do I know? I wrote a whole chapter about it in my book! Here's why we all need a little grit in...
Improv and creativity – time to say yes, and….
Our awesome Now Go Create facilitator, writer and performer extraordinaire Max Dickins has a new book out and a piece in GQ online on how we can all...
The theory of change – free creative strategy tool part 1
Here at Now Go Create our mission is to demystify the creative process – and upskill everyone in the key skills they'll need for the future. Here's...
How to innovate in a time of crisis
Endless at-home distractions and creative meetings conducted on a shaky video screen? No wonder everyone is in need of some innovation gold dust......
Free (brainstorming online) facilitation tool – 1-2-4-ALL
We're writing our new 'Zoom in on Creativity' webinar this week to work with a group at PRFEST this Friday. We're going over all our favourite...
Creativity and innovation during Covid19
There are some incredible examples of how individuals and companies are using ingenuity, creativity and innovation during Covid19. Whether it's...
Turn Strangers Into A High Performing Team
Amy Edmonson's TED talk on building remote teams This amazing video about building remote from 2010 couldn't be more relevant in today's...
23 free online creativity tools for remote workshops & brainstorms
The world is moving very fast and we're all trying to adapt. We're big fans of using online creativity tools to help wherever we can. I've been...
Not all heroes wear capes. Creativity during Covid.
During the pandemic, glamorous celebrities in magazines or living it up on Instagram seems out of touch. Meanwhile, everyday, people around the...
The no pitch, pitch
Meet the 'no pitch pitch' – a surprising way of getting client and agency back on track... I'm writing this blog as last week I read about running...
How to use the SCAMPER problem solving tool
The SCAMPER problem solving tool and how to use it SCAMPER is an acronym for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify/Magnify, Put to other uses,...
Join our biggest freebie ever, the Creative Leap!
“Leap and a net will appear” is one of my favourite quotes, and when I realised that 2020 is a leap year (offering an entire bonus 24 hours to love...
Get your creative groove on. How to set creative goals
Setting creative goals is a great way to stretch yourself and keep the creative juices flowing. Here's my top tips... “Vision without action is a...
The best creativity tools to try today – #4: Google Design Sprint
One of the best creativity tools to try is an awesome freebie from Google. Here's our verdict... What is it? Google’s Design Sprint is a process...
How to develop a creative team
Creating a creative team – and nurturing the creativity of individuals — is an art and a science. Here are seven steps to creating and cultivating a...
11 ways to pitch your big idea
At some point in your business life you will have to present your ideas in a formal environment – perhaps a job interview, board presentation or new...
Your brilliant idea is only as good as your ability to sell it…
Is your fear of public speaking holding you back? For some people a fear of public speaking is up there with death. It can range from sweaty palms...
Hey there creative genius!
Did you know that the 5-year-old you would probably have been considered a creative genius? If you were five years old and you’d taken part in a...
Your invitation to a nature trail, a treasure hunt, a walking party & immersive theatre
We are so excited here at Now Go Create to partner with Charlotte Spencer to offer her incredible Walking Stories project as part of our creative...
Lessons for creative leaders #3 – building resilience
Building resilience in a creative team will help it over those obstacles that derail lesser groups... “It is not the critic who counts; not the man...
Lessons for creative leaders #4 – punch above your weight
Our series of lessons for creative leaders takes a bold turn this time, with BK showing us how some truly ballsy thinking can reap dividends... In...
Lessons for creative leaders #2 – trust
Psychological safety in teams – and why it matters for creativity. If creative leaders don’t support their teams when they offer up their fragile...
Lessons for creative leaders #1 – authenticity
Authenticity is key if you want your teams to buy into your vision and leadership. "This was a profound and painful moment. The pain and...
5 big themes from this year’s Cannes Lions
Maybe you didn't go to Cannes. Maybe you're not overly interested in what goes on. But if you are this digital doggy bag is a neat summary of some...
Young Lions film-makers create ‘fresh’ work in 24 hours
Proving that great creativity can sometimes be fueled by tight deadlines, the three finalists in the Cannes Young Lions Film contest impressed with...
Japan, Hong Kong and Finland ace PR brief at Cannes
Midway through a frenetic week of creativity-packed competitions, the Young PR Lions PR contest delivers three inspiring campaigns If you’ve been...
Want to raise money? Guilt-trip your parents! Creativity hots up in Young Lions digital contest
The Cannes Young Digital Lions contest this year was a gem – with the gold and silver winners coming at the WWF brief from a similar (brilliant)...
Could a logo save the planet? Young designers at Cannes say, ‘Yes’.
Powerful work from the three finalists in Cannes Young Lions Design competition show what can happen when teams really get behind a brief for a...
Cannes Day Two: Young Lions stars of tomorrow tackle marketing brief
How to get girls’ education and literacy on the global agenda – that was the problem facing 27 teams in the Cannes Young Lions Marketers competition...
Young Media Lions bloom for Lotus Flower
How do you build global awareness about women and girls impacted by conflict and displacement? That was the issue facing the 31 teams taking part in...
Inside the jury room at Cannes Lions Design Competition 2019
The Design Lions celebrate visual craftsmanship. It's one of my favourite categories to explore at the Palais De Festival as all the physical...
And they’re off! Cannes Young Lions 2019 has its first winners
Special report. The first of the Cannes Young Lions saw nearly 40 creative duos tackle an amazing brief showcasing creativity for good. It’s done –...
235 creative duos, 7 briefs, 24 hours – hear the Young Lions roar!
I’ll be running the debriefs as a creative mentor for this year’s Young Lions competitions – which means I’ll be getting an amazing sneak peek at...
Is the hierarchy of your business killing creativity?
Research shows that the structural makeup of a company plays a big part in how innovation flourishes or fails. Key takeout? Hierarchy kills...
Where do ideas come from mummy? The related worlds creativity tool
Your creative problem has probably been tackled – and solved – by someone else before you. Maybe it was a great thinker, or maybe it was a 'dumb...
The best strategy tools to try: Evidence Planning
Our monthly look at the tools you can try when in search of your next big idea looks at NESTA's Evidence Planning tool, which helps you make sure...
How improv can improve creativity and teamwork
Top companies are sending their staff to improv classes to improve their creativity, teamwork and leadership skills. “Doing improv is like walking a...
The best creativity tools to try today – #2 TrendWatching’s Canvas – updated for 2023
Our look at the tools you can try when in search of your next big idea, try TrendWatching's Consumer Trend Canvas. What is it? The Consumer Trend...
“If you’re a creative, your creative juices have to be flowing 24/7”
Exclusive interview with Marek Reichman, Chief Creative Officer at Aston Martin. Last week I did an interview for a newspaper with Marek Reichman,...
Celebrating International Women’s Day #BetterwithBalance
"The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care...
Everything you ever wanted to know about strategy (but were afraid to ask)
What is creative strategy – and why does the very mention of it bamboozle so many? Our resident expert explains... "Once you see a campaign in its...
The best creativity tools to try today – #1: Candor
Due to the current situation surrounding Coronavirus, we thought we would revisit and share some of our favourite creativity tools that you can use...
Wagamama – noodling on innovation
How the popular restaurant chain keeps on innovating – using 'Kaizen'... Arguably the best way to ensure that innovation stays on track is to...
Our top 15 creativity apps – part 3
Need some apps to boost your creativity? We've done the research – here's our verdict for the best creativity apps in 2018... So, here it is: the...
The 15 best apps for creative thinking – part 2
Here's part 2 of our favourite tech tools to help get the creative juices flowing. We have creative thinking apps, planning tools and more... 10/...
Our top 15 favourite creativity apps – part 1
Everyone likes a creative thinking app, and there are plenty designed with helping everyone unleash their inner creative in mind. Here's part one of...
Spooky Halloween special
Creative Halloween campaigns always (well, usually) cause a stir – especially if there is a cool TV tie-in or an axe-wielding maniac in store......
Creativity in unexpected places – the art crimes investigator
'Unexpected creativity' is that moment you, a colleague or someone completely random finds a spark in the most unlikely of places. Such as in the...
Anyone for a little creative destruction?
New creative element alert! Banksy exhibits CD - 'Creative Destruction' When helping Now Go Create founder Claire with some of the preliminary work...
‘Negative self-talk can be very damaging if you want to be creative’
Your inner critic is usually holding you back – but with some adjustment, you can turn him/her/them into a more positive voice... Mindset coach...
Are you a workplace rebel?
They question everything, cause chaos – and might just steer your team to its very best work. Meet the workplace rebel... Some workplaces embrace...
Are you sitting comfortably? Then we’ll begin…
"If you want to use the power of 'story', you need to make sure you understand what storytelling actually means". 'Storytelling' is bandied about...
Creativity that drives business results
How does creativity drive business? Great question – with ever-changing answers. Here's the verdict after this year's Cannes Lions... "Marketing...
Can Minecraft help develop your creativity?
Game brand Mojang is promoting a new edition of the highly popular Minecraft game by replicating elements of its virtual game-world environment in...
The Judging Experience at Cannes – Design
One of the perks of working at the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity is that I get to spend time looking at all the creative work on show, and...
Young Lions winners 2018 – Marketers
This is the second in a series of blogs where I’m sharing the briefs and winning work, along with insights from each of the Cannes Young Lions...
Winners – Young Lions Print Competition
So all week I have been moderating the juries and talking through the decisions behind the awards of the Bronze, Silver & Gold winning work in...
3 must-see campaigns from Cannes
My now annual pilgrimage that is attending the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity is inspiring, knackering (yes, I am actually working),...
Can you tackle the Young Lions Competition briefs?
Hear the Young Lions roar! It's that time of year again, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, where the great and the good of the...
How to develop creative teams
I've discovered that this week 15-21 April 2018 has been designated World Creativity and Innovation Week. In 2017, the United Nations included World...
Free chapter In Your Creative Element
"Of all human activities, creativity comes closest to providing the fulfillment we all hope to get in our lives. Call it full-blast living.” Mihaly...
How to master the 10 minute pitch
Last year we had a truly international cohort for the third year of the Masters of Creativity programme at the Cannes Lions School. Our delegates...
How diversity and purpose drive creative success
For her book, In Your Creative Element, the Amazon bestseller about creativity in business Now Go Create Founder Claire interviewed creative leaders...
Creative lessons from improv
Following his critically acclaimed one man show at the Edinburgh Festival, Claire Bridges spoke to Max Dickins, stand-up, writer and improv...
Creative Element #19 Ego
Broadly defined as someone’s sense of self-importance and self-esteem, ego is often frowned upon in the modern workplace because the goal, and the...
What stand-up comedy can teach us about creativity.
Stand-up comedians have to be vulnerable, open to failure and somehow learn to ignore their inner critic. Sound familiar? Whenever I watch live...
The perfect creative brief? A deadline and a dream
What are the essential ingredients of the perfect creative brief? A killer brief can make the difference between good and great creative work....
Debunking the left/right brain myth
I’ve always been fascinated by what’s playing out on the hills and valleys of our 3lbs of grey matter whilst we’re generating creative ideas. People...
Creative State of the PR Nation – 5 Years of The Creativity in PR Study
Back in 2012 Now Go Create and The Holmes Report set out to explore creativity in PR. We wanted to know how the public relations industry was...
In Your Creative Element shortlisted for management book of the year
Now Go Create Founder Claire Bridges book on creativity in business, In Your Creative Element has been shortlisted for Management Book of the...
Reasons why your group brainstorm might suck
Here at Now Go Create we run brilliant brainstorm training to help those who have to lead the creative charge to bring their people along with them....
Meet Coleman Sweeney: The World’s Biggest Asshole
The behind the scenes story of the award winning Donate Life charity campaign - a brilliant example of creativity in healthcare. We love a...
Creative effectiveness & pitching – day 4 round up on Masters of Creativity
Continuing our round up of the Cannes Lions Masters of Creativity Programme Day 4 – June 22nd Gurdeep Puri – Founding Partner the Effectiveness...
How to use creative data
“The wonderful thing about data is that it doesn’t care what you spend your money on or like” Scott Galloway is Clinical Professor of Marketing,...
Cannes Lions Masters of Creativity round up 2017 – part 1
Cannes Lions Masters of Creativity 2017 – A training opportunity where experienced-multi-disciplined teams are challenged to crack a real client...
What does creative bravery really mean?
In the creative communications industry, we like to think of ourselves as creative risk-takers – breaking boundaries of expectations to impress,...
Fear is holding the creative industries back
Unity PR and Now Go Create conducted a study of 200 UK marketers, asking what 'creative bravery' in the marcoms industry means to them. Forty one...
Can you really teach your people to be more creative?
Emphatically yes argues creativity expert Claire Bridges, our Chief Spark at Now Go Create and author of the new book about creativity in business,...
An interview with Founder Claire by Mark Tungate, for Ad Forum
When you teach creativity, the question you inevitably get asked all the time is: “But can creativity really be taught?” Claire Bridges has a very...
Creative Element #Evaluation
Option A or option B? Why evaluation skills and tools are vital for making the right creative decision. If you have a novel idea which has an...
Dr Ben Martynoga explains the neuroscience of creativity
Can the neuroscience of creativity show us evidence-backed ways to manage our creative state and generate better ideas? I’ve always been fascinated...
How to use neuroscience to help build the perfect creative team
Creativity has been part of my professional life for over twenty years working in PR and then as a trainer and consultant. I’ve always been...
Try an alternative to a group brainstorm – brainwriting
Here at Now Go Create we love discovering and sharing tools and techniques to make ours (and your) creative work easier. If you haven't tried it...
Tackling the blank page starts with a great question
A problem statement is a concise and clear description of an issue or challenge that needs attention. It's important to write a good problem...
Why every team needs a CD – a Creative Deviant that is…
The start of the New Year and inevitable talk of goal setting. Maybe you’re looking to up the ante on your personal creativity, chase down that...
Listen to Claire’s creativity in business podcast on ‘In Your Creative Element’
Listen to this creativity in business podcast with Claire discussing "In Your Creative Element" with Share Radio's Sara Macham. "Do you think of...
If you want to be more creative, get curious
How do you build and sustain a culture where creativity can thrive? This is a question that I’ve been obsessing over whilst researching for my new...
The role of alpha waves and creativity
The laid-back creative: why the Relaxed Mind (Rm) is a breeding ground for good ideas Have you ever found the answer to a problem you were trying to...
The neuroscience of creativity – the unconscious mind
I’ve always been fascinated by what’s actually playing out on the hills and valleys of our 3lbs of grey matter whilst we’re generating creative...
Why rebels and trouble-makers could be good for business
Embracing the ‘mavericks’ if you want your business to grow… You’ve a job to fill and you’ve whittled the applicants down to two strong candidates....
What drives us to be creative and how can we find our purpose?”
Is a sense of corporate and personal purpose the future for business? What drives us to be creative? This is a question I have been exploring...
Question-storming, interrogation and simplicity. Creativity & sales.
Great salespeople are by default engaging their creative side – they create opportunities and demand where there is none, and are constantly seeking...
Why defining creativity matters for your business
Think about the last time you thought something was creative. Was it a your own or an agency’s creative work, a new product, design or a service?...
Ten things which could be damaging your creativity
Every SME has an never-ending to-list but making time for creativity can help you to stay one step ahead of the competition. Here are ten things...
How purpose, leadership & creativity are linked
What drives us as individuals to be creative and what happens when you lose your purpose? What drives us...
How much of creativity is nature vs. nurture? In this short film Claire Bridges, Founder, Now Go Create and author In Your Creative Element...
What Michael McIntyre taught me about risk-taking
Experimentation, practice and falling flat on your arse: lessons about risk-taking from Michael McIntyre. Part of US megastar comedian Chris Rock’s...
Author Claire Bridges talks about how to conquer the blank page
In this short film, Claire Bridges, author of a new book about creativity in business, In Your Creative Element, talks about simple ways to conquer...
If your last idea was a total failure… well done! Creative element #43
Why failure and creativity are necessary bedfellows. An oft-heard mantra in business is that it’s important to fail. No one gets things right...
Risk-taking and creativity – creative element #36
The relationship between risk-taking and creativity features in the chapter on how to create a culture where creativity can thrive in my new book,...
No half-baked ideas here. What Bake Off tells us about creative thinking.
Week 6 and the baking battle is heating up and there’s a brand new theme this week on Bake Off - botanicals - all things herby, citrusy and flowery....
Try a design thinking tool – point of view ad
As anyone who has taken one of our creativity workshops or read any of our blogs probably knows, we love the method of design thinking here at Now...
Take some advice from your younger self…
So what does being 7 years old have in common with creativity? Turns out quite a lot. In June we were lucky enough to be asked to run one of our...
Read all about Now Go Create’s Guinness world record attempt largest creative thinking lesson!
So what an amazing week it’s been at the Cannes Lions Festival of creativity this year! As well as mentoring the groups for the masters of...
Now Go Create leads Guinness World Record Attempt World’s Largest Creativity Lesson!
I'm so excited to have been asked by the Cannes Lions School to lead an attempt on an official world record today (23rd June)! The Cannes Lions...
“Creativity means not copying” – lessons in creativity from El Bulli
elBulli was just about the best restaurant in the world, ever, reportedly so out-there that it operated at a loss and was closed half the year for...
Dieter Rams 10 principles of good design
I've been reading a lot about design lately and noticed that the Design Museum, which I love is closing for a few months at the end of June 2016, to...
How to create award-winning PR campaigns
Last week I hosted a PRCA seminar on how to create award-winning PR campaigns, with Gemma Moroney and Damon Statt, the planning & creative team...
Creativity and risk taking
Creativity and risk taking - bedfellows for big ideas. "The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that's changing really quickly, the only...
Now Go Create & The Marshmallow Challenge
Collaboration, spaghetti & marshmallows - all in a day's work! Today we ran a workshop as part of Marketing Week's Creative Programmatic...
Storytelling and brands – creative hacks to use the 7 story plots
Storytelling and brands. Storytelling continues to be a buzzword in marketing. But what does it mean to you? PR people have always been...
Creativity tip #1 – play more!
Creativity and play are natural bedfellows. We all know intuitively that unless it really is a life and death issue that a little levity is good for...
Creative Shootout Battle tests creativity in PR
Would you be brave enough to pitch your ideas in front of 250 of your peers? At the China Exchange in Soho yesterday a new creativity competition,...
Make this your best creative year yet! Free creative resources
So hopefully you’re over the hump of so-called Blue Monday – January 18th – the most depressing day of the year when all our good intentions and...
10 tips to up the creative ante
One thing I’ve learned is that being passive in life usually gets us nowhere fast, and this is never more true than in the field of creativity.We...
Career highlights – Ketchum interview Founder Claire
I was recently interviewed by the CEO of Ketchum Europe, David Gallagher, as part of his PR launcher series, looking at people who have worked at...
Now Go Create joins the Eurobest 2015 creative makers and breakers
We're excited to be running some of our popular Creative Safaris for the creative community attending this year's Eurobest 2015 Creativity Festival...
Creativity in internal comms
Yesterday I was working with a team at a great communications agency (theblueballroom) that focusses on internal communications for great companies...
Q: How many hats can a Creativity facilitator wear? A: Only one at a time.
Have you ever had to facilitate a creative brainstorm? And have you thought somehow it might be all down to you to come up with the creative genius?...
How to less with more – lessons in frugal innovation.
The temptation during problem-solving is to go big: throw a fortune at research and insight; take the whole team to New York during ideation and...
6 Ways To Be Creative Under Fire
One of the many things that sets The Creative Shootout apart from other awards ceremonies is that you have a mere 60 seconds for your entry to grab...
Get ready for the Creative Shootout!
Now Go Create is excited to be involved in a brand new creative awards launched today. The Creative Shootout will see 6 teams go head-to-head on a...
Dreamer, Realist or Critic? What’s your thinking style?
I was running a creative training workshop recently where I asked the delegates to evaluate some creative work and whilst we encourage critical...
Make discoveries & play with chance on a Creative Safari
In 1754 Horace Walpole wrote a fairy tale, The Three Princes of Serendip, a story in which the heroes “were always making discoveries, by accidents...
Any Wednesday…
This year at the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity I was fortunate enough to work with the inspiring and wise Chairman Emeritus of DDB worldwide,...
Hold on to those creative holiday benefits
It's mid-August and it seems as if the whole of the UK is on holiday. Having had a few days out myself this week it made me think about how to hang...
Datavore or dataphobe? Is your business making the most of data?
Most businesses now talk about data but where is it coming from and how are you using it? NESTA - the National Endowment for Society, Technology and...
Does dress-down Friday mean dumb-down Friday?
I love it when something new comes out that seems to challenge a particular school of thought, and the more provocative it is, the better. So when I...
A little Wu-Wei goes a long way.
Last week we did something a little bit different. We took 63 people from our client, Hanover Communications to the streets of Lisbon on a Creative...
We love a happy camper (or creative)….
"Very useful & exceeded my expectations.” “Great, loved all the different creative techniques we discussed. We covered lots of ground. It was...
Creativity doing good – connecting purchase with purpose
Here’s a round up of some of my favourite winning campaigns from this year’s Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity where I was lucky enough to be...
Meaning, empathy and collaboration. The new rules for success.
I love the School of Life and have read all of Alain De Botton’s digests of complex philosophy and many of the life guides created by his clever...
Would you pop a (legal) pill if it guaranteed to make you more creative?
For millions of people around the world, a day hasn’t properly begun until they’ve had a hot, strong coffee. There’s no question that a shot of...
10 Ways To Write A Killer Award Entry
Channel Einstein: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler” Be brutally honest - is this work really good enough to...
Why looking down is killing creativity in PR, PR Week feature
The historian Simon Schama said in The Guardian recently that we have become the "look down" generation. Where once we looked out at the world and...
Creative Icons #1: BJÖRK
What does it mean to be creative? It's a question we discuss regularly on our training courses and is a source of endless speculation. What can...
The Blurred Lines copyright verdict, creativity & what it means for PR.
So did you do what I did when I heard the judge’s ruling about the Pharrell Williams/Robin Thicke copyright lawsuit brought by the family of the...
Facilitating Creative Genius: Whose line is it anyway?
When facilitating a group of people to create ideas in a brainstorm: ‘Where is your attention? On their genius or yours?’ This is the first question...
Storymaking, creativity & curiosity – what brands can learn from theatre
"When Claire asked me to run a story making session which focused on being curious and what brands can learn from theatre, I jumped at the chance....
How office environment impacts creativity
One of the best ways to ignite some creative fireworks is to get out of overly-familiar, boring work environments and try somewhere new. It’s...
The 70:20:10 Innovation Rule (updated for 2023)
Creative businesses and individuals need an appetite for risk – but not if it could derail the business. Here's how the 70:20:10 innovation rule can...
What it takes to reach high performance by our new resident coach
How many times have you gone on a course and it’s totally worked for you? Equally, how many times has the reversed happen too? I’m guessing a mix of...
Reasons to be cheerful… start a happiness jar!
Happiness Jars and the Unexpected Muse of Gratitude One of the things I committed to doing a few years ago was starting a happiness jar. If you...
Show runner, artist, robot or used car salesman? What’s Your Pitch Style?
Is your pitching style killing all your best ideas? Coming up with brilliant ideas is the easy part - selling them to complete strangers is...
Do you have decision fatigue? Here’s why.
If you’ve ever found yourself in the middle of a brainstorming session and unable to get even a flicker out of your usually creative mind, the time...
Hit a creative wall? Take inspiration from Sorkin, google, Pixar & persist!
Often when I'm feeling a bit uninspired or find myself staring at a blank page, I find myself turning to this letter from Austin Madison, a Pixar...
Messy, wicked or tame? What’s your problem?
Messy, wicked and tame problems Not all problems are created equal, thus not all solutions are equal. A complex problem like global warming doesn't...
The brains trust, dailies & giving notes. Creative leadership lessons from Pixar.
“To infinity and beyond”, the catchphrase of Toy Story’s Buzz Lightyear could be Pixar’s vision statement. The company has made over $7 billion at...
21 judges, 6 days deliberation, 1850 entries, 66 countries, 13 Golds. Cannes Lions Winners 2014.
After 6 sometimes very long days, heated debate, deliberation and consideration by the PR jury of which I am honoured to have been a part, the...
Brilliant design thinking tools for creativity #1 – user empathy map, your creative compass
Written by Claire Bridges, Founder Now Go Create updated July 2021 Have you come across the idea of a user empathy map before? It's a...
Turning ideas into action – how to kick start your innovation team
I'm currently working with several organisations to develop their creative capabilities and to deliver their great ideas into action. The projects...
Take a thought walk with me….
In my day-to-day work in creativity you’ll find me banging on about getting away from your desk, allowing ideas to incubate and trying something new...
Punchdrunk reveal their secrets & storytelling techniques…
"Actors live in their bodies, not in their heads." Katy Balfour, Punchdrunk actor We were lucky enough to work on the set of Punchdrunk's...
What links chocolate, fortune & tin? Classic creativity tests
Classic creativity tests & interview questions What's the weirdest interview question you've ever been asked? And how do you prove you're...
5 Steps To Strategy Heaven
We ran our Strategy Heaven course yesterday for a senior team at a PR agency and as ever, the session was a roaring success. Whoever the audience is...
Looking to collaborate?
Get in touch to find out how we can help.
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